Thursday, March 27, 2014

Don't open .rtf files with Microsoft Word...that's the word from Microsoft anyway.  More here:

If you think you have been compromised or your PC has been running slowly since opening a .rtf file, contact Dynamic Network Support today (

Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Pi-Day Friday!

Google does it again.  Cloud storage is normally cost prohibitive for smaller businesses who have large data amounts to store, but as of Google's recent announcement, that is no longer the case.  They are now offering a 1 terabyte plan for just $9.99 per month.  Compare that to Dropbox where that $10 will currently only get your 100 gigabytes.  Depending on your comfort level with Google housing your data, this may be the route a lot of companies have been looking for.

See more here:

Ready to move your data to the cloud?  Dynamic Network Support can help.  Contact us today (