Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Sony's new PS4 looks very promising. This is a 'true' gaming console when looking at the available info.

Which next generation console will win? XBox One or PS4?

WWDC 2013 Recap

For those Apple fans out there, here is a quick recap of Apple's WWDC 2013:

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Xbox One Highlight Reel

The Xbox One Reveal has left many Gamers wondering what's in it for them since the first reveal really didn't mention games at all. Here's a quick highlight reel if you missed the event:

The highlights leave us wondering the same things as the gaming community, however keep in mind that the gaming capabilities are supposed to be revealed at the upcoming E3 conference. We can't wait to see what they show us...hopefully more of what we really want.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Google I/O 2013

If you missed the Google I/O 2013 conference, you can check out the Keynote (and other sessions) here:

Some very great new things are coming out of Google soon and we can't wait to get out hands on them.

Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue) First Look

The last few weeks have been full of technology announcements and conferences.  It's been almost impossible to keep up with it all.  To get us started (and caught up), here's our first post: Windows 8.1 (Windows Blue), a first look from

And for those of you frustrated with Windows 8, one important piece of Win 8.1 to note is the return of the start button...not the start menu, but the button at least.

Are you fed up with Windows 8?  Do you want to downgrade to 7 or just get a crash-course with 8?  Contact Dynamic Network Support ( and we can help you out.