Friday, March 29, 2013

Dynamic Network Support would like to offer you a little Friday afternoon fun with the internet...enjoy:

48% Will Be Infected By This Cat

On average, 48% of people will allow their computer to be infected because of this cat:

Digital security is taken very seriously at Dynamic Network Support and we are here to help.

If you are concerned about your network's security or how well-trained your employees may or may not be regarding digital security, please contact DNS today (

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Nerd Shirt To Rule Them All

As an IT company, Dynamic Network Support tends to employ a lot of 'Geeks/Nerds'. In honor of Geekdom, we would give you the Decorated Nerd T-Shirt:

Grab one today and show off your hard earned Geed/Nerd status!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Backups are important!

Dynamic Network Support can never stress the importance of not only having backups, but doing test restores often. Here is a great video about Toy Story 2′s near demise due to having bad backups. Enjoy!

If you are concerned about your backups, contact DNS today to have them checked (

Google Fiber Expands

Google Fiber is growing! This is good news for all of us who depend on the internet.

What is your opinion on Fiber? Do you want it or does it even matter to you? Let us know. We here at Dynamic Network Supportwould love access to that 1Gb connection.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Children Are The Future

This short is a great piece on the importance of technology and education working together.

Dynamic Network Support is committed to helping today's youth learn not only to use technology, but to embrace their passion for it which can enable them to create new worlds with limitless possibilities. If you are interested in learning more about how you can help your kids learn technology, contact DNS today.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Time to update Java

Oracle has finally released the patches needed to close the recent string of zero-day vulnerabilities allowing attackers to implant remote access code on your computer(s): Network Support recommends you update immediately in order to close these dangerous security holes.

If you need help updating your Java version, don't hesitate to contact DNS (