Tuesday, August 28, 2012

SkyDrive for Android

Microsoft SkyDrive for Android is now available. SkyDrive users can now access their data just like Dropbox and Google Drive users can.

Read more about this here:http://techcrunch.com/2012/08/28/microsoft-launches-skydrive-for-android

Want to know more about SkyDrive? Contact Dynamic Network Support today (http://dynamicsupport.com/contact-dns.php)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Microsoft's New Logo

Microsoft has released its new logo that matches the look and feel of the Windows 8 UI.
What you do think?

Backpacking Tech/Gear

In a break from the normal indoors/internet style tech post, today we are sharing an article from Gizmodo regarding the ultimate backpacking gear/tech.  There are lots of great items mentioned in this article.


Check it out, and let us know what you think...or even better, let us know what you use on your backpacking trips.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


HTML 5 combined with all of the new web technologies continues to become one of the most powerful platforms around. Check this completely web-technology-driven game out: HexGL
HexGL, the HTML5 futuristic racing game. »
HexGL is a futuristic racing game built by Thibaut Despoulain (BKcore) using HTML5, Javascript and WebGL. Come challenge your friends on this fast-paced 3D game!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Linux Beginner's Guide

For those who have heard the name, but haven’t tried it, they people over at Engadget have put together a ‘beginners guide’ to the wonderful OS.
Here at Dynamic Network Support we love Linux in pretty much all flavors. If you are interested in learning more or demoing a Linux powered device (Desktop, Laptop, Server, Phone, Tablet, etc), contact DNS today (http://dynamicsupport.com/contact-dns.php)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Starbucks switches to Square

A few weeks ago, we posted posted about mobile payment processing (http://www.facebook.com/225991897413668/posts/345347115544231 for those who missed it).

Today, +Starbucks Coffee  released a press release outlining their move to Square as their new payment processing for all of their transactions. Read more here: http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/08/starbucks-square-investment-apps-directory/

If you are interested in exploring a move to the mobile payment processing model, contact DNS to discuss your options (http://dynamicsupport.com/contact-dns.php)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Backups Are Important!

For today’s post, I figured we could laugh first:
Not that you are (or should be laughing), on to the serious part…backups are important, period. Onsite, offsite, frequent, and tested…if your backups don’t meet those four criteria, you need to do something about it. You can read more about how important backups are here: http://dynamicsupport.com/cs20120401-off-site-backups.php. This article is a little old at this point, but still completely relevant.
If you have questions about your backups or need help creating your disaster recovery plan, contact DNS today (http://dynamicsupport.com/contact-dns.php)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Don't Use Weak Passwords

In today’s age, your first line of defense with any digital system is having a strong password. You’d be shocked at how often we still see people using weak passwords and then wonder why their accounts got ‘hacked’. In light of this, we would like to take this chance to remind everyone of some basic guideline to follow when creating your passwords, but sharing this short article:http://www.intego.com/mac-security-blog/4-types-of-passwords-you-shouldnt-create-unless-you-want-your-account-hacked/
If you think your password is weak, need help with creating a stronger password, or think any of your accounts have been compromised, contact Dynamic Network Support today (http://dynamicsupport.com/contact-dns.php)

Cables CANNOT Protect You From Viruses…

We came across a recent post from Gizmodo and had to comment on it…HDMI cables, well any cables for that matter, do NOT prevent viruses nor offer anti-virus protection. Read the full story here: http://gizmodo.com/5928934/is-there-anyone-stupid-enough-to-believe-that-this-cable-has-anti+virus-protection
If you have been fulled by one of these sales pitches or are need clarification as to what Anti-Virus protection you should be using, please contact Dynamic Network Support (http://dynamicsupport.com/contact-dns.php)

The Commodore 64 Turns 30!

Dynamic Network Support would like to pay homage to one of the most successful and ground breaking devices of its day…the Commodore 64, launched 30 years ago this month changed the face of home computing, and helped pave the way for the PCs and Macs on your desk today.
This BBC short is somewhat humorous to watch as a group of children are sat in front of the archaic device and asked to compare it to the experiences they have with modern computers. Watch it here:http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-19055707